Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Fun Ideas For Those Spare Kitchen and Bathroom Tiles

When decorating the bathroom or kitchen, or other living spaces that use tiles, you quite often find you may have bought more than you needed. So what do you do with them? In this article I share a plethora of ideas which you can use to make good use of your spare tiles! Don't throw them away, get creative!

Break them up and use them for decoration
You can put the pieces into small bowls along with other decorative things like marbles or perhaps a small plant. Use multiple types of tiles for maximum impact - a DIY table centre piece!

Paint on the blank ones
Let your kids go wild and paint pictures on the blank tiles, or if you're feeling arty give it a go yourself! These make great decoration pieces or gifts for loved ones and friends.

Use them to put drinks on and stop getting those nasty ring marks on your nice tables. The stylish tiles will be best for this, make sure you don't use ones with grout all down the sides!

Use them for notes
This sounds bizarre but you could use them to write notes on - stick it on your wall, keep it on your desk and use it for reminders like a notepad (or an iPad! Yes, I'm kidding...). They will also be easily wiped clean for reuse!

Recycle them
A bit boring, I know, but if you really cannot find a use for those spare or unwanted tiles then at least have them recycled. It's a much more dignified end for them that sitting in a landfill somewhere!

So that's a few ideas for you to use instead of just binning your unused kitchen and bathroom tiles. I hope to write more articles in the future, hopefully illustrated, and publish them in various places online including my blog.

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