Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hazard Ranch

Hanging a lucky horseshoe over an entrance to our house has been on my "fun idea but not a priority" list for a while now. In fact, it was on my list of things to do in our old house! I finally got around to purchasing one off eBay ($6 including shipping) and Chris hung it for me in the mudroom.
 Kinda cute, right?
 The sailboat art is also a new addition to the mudroom. I found it over the weekend while thrifting with my sister-in-law. It came in a frame, but I like it much better without.
 I also found this fun cowboy barkcloth...$6 for 1.5 yards. Not sure what I'll use if for yet, but I couldn't pass it up. Don't you just love the colors?

Between our new horseshoe and this fabric, I may have to consider renaming the blog to Hazard Ranch :)