The kitchen remodel is going to be the mother of all projects that we tackle in this house. Even though the renovation is still YEARS away, we talk about it constantly. We discuss cabinetry colors & styles, countertop materials, flooring, appliances, lighting options, and most importantly the general layout of the kitchen and how it will flow with the rest of the house. Up until this point, when Chris and I talk about making changes to the kitchen floor plan we've had to rely on lots of scrap paper or the occasional paper napkin if we're out having dinner. As a result some of our best ideas have gotten lost in translation.
And then...Chris discovered some software and created some almost to scale renderings of what we want our kitchen to look like someday.
We took out a wall between the kitchen and dining room (right side of drawing) which expands the space and improves the flow. A kitchen island is something we've been dreaming of and it looks like we'll have enough space to make it work. We also added a door and some stairs down into the backyard.
Bird's eye view |
Viewing the kitchen from a backyard corner, you can see a built in china hutch that I've been dreaming of.
This will be the new view from the dining room.
By the way, this is what the current view is from that same angle. Once the wall is gone (where the mirror is hanging), we'll be able to sit in the living room and see clear through the dining room and kitchen into the backyard.
Now, we're no professionals when it comes to designing kitchens or working with this software, but man, we're having fun.