Pink and Pretty Girl's Bedroom
Little girls love pink, and big girls do, too. Still, cognizant that the occupant of this pleasingly rosy room will need a space that matures along with her, a wallcovering that isn't age-specific was chosen. The tiny star pattern will be a fine background even when the storybooks and dolls are moved out.
Cheerful, but not overly girlish, this bedroom decor will stand the test of time.
Carol R. Knott Interior Design
Cheerful, but not overly girlish,
this bedroom decor will stand
the test of time.
White furniture is another savvy decision. Timeless in their appeal, the white dresser and bed can stay right where they are forever. The drapes are soft and feminine and also not in the least babyish. Paired with crisp white shutters, in fact, the drapes offer a small princess a hint of enduring elegance.
The gold-framed prints that adorn the wall above the bookcase also interject some sophistication. As the years go by, the collection can be added to; as it grows so will its sentimental value until it's as well-loved as a favorite cuddly teddy bear.
A showstopping mural adds dramatic flair to a bedroom। Read the next section of this article to learn how to incorporate this decorating idea into your bedroom.